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Photo Info

Dimensions3375 x 3184
Original file size61.5 MB
Image typeTIFF
NGC 7380

NGC 7380

NGC 7380 - Wizard Nebula
Camera: Atik 314L+
Scope: Orion EON 80ED
Filters: Astrodon 3nm Ha, OIII, SII
Exposure data: Ha: 20 x 1500s, 9 x 1200s (total: 11 hrs, 20 min), OIII: 12 x 1200s (3 hrs), SII: 12 x 1200s (3 hrs).
Total exposure time: 16 hrs 20 min

Final image I took from the Staunton River Star Party 2016, although this is a combination of data from 3 different star parties over the years. I had only ever taken Ha on this and finally shot the rest of the narrowband palette this trip.
Notes: I decided to add some star spikes on the final image just 'cause I was in the mood for them today :) I also cropped it a little more than the original Ha just to highlight the main portion of the nebula. This was started in 2011/2012, more data taken in 2014, and finally finished up this year ... that's what I get for forgetting what images I start and need to get more data on.